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Virigen (Andriol) 30 Caps. 40 mg SCHERING-PLOUGH TR


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    Manufacturer: SCHERING-PLOUGH TR

    Active Substance: Testosterone Undecanoate

    Pack: 30 Caps. (40 mg/cap) Common Name(s): Andriol

    Informatıon About Virigen (Andriol)  30 Caps. 40 mg SCHERING-PLOUGH TR

    Andriol is testerone with the undecanoate ester attached, only manufactured in oral form.It is also known under name of Virigen.This type of testosterone is based in oil and put in a capsule to be taken as oral.I will be honest with you if you took any other steroid before you will probably be disappointed by Andriol. Other testosterones are definitely more effective than andriol.But, i know one thing that everybody does not needle their ass thus andriol is produced for you in oral form.Also, you can combine it with other anabolic steroids to get better results.

    Dosage For Virigen (Andriol)

    Also there is one more important factor when thinking the use of this substance is the fact that, although it will raise your testosterone levels with in 2 hours, they will return to baseline by 10-12 hours so you should want to see significant anabolic effects from this stuff, it is the best use of 4-8 tablets, spaced out evenly, 2-3 times a day. You will not see big gains that can be obtained by the heavier injectable testosterones; then you will see significantly less in the way of side effects. In short, the most common recommended dose of Andriol is 200-275 mg/day in three divided doses, taken with or without meals.But, in my opinion it will be good enough to get desired muscles gains and strength for bodybuilders.That is why you should use andriol 450-600 mgs per day and go on using at least 8 weeks.Likewise, you should take it in three divided doses(morning, noon and evening.)

    Side Effects For Virigen

    Liver damage, Gynocomastia, Water Retention and Acne. Liver damage: It's seen only on long-term uses so you don't need to worry about your liver if you will not use andriol more than 8 weeks. Gynocomastia, water retention: All types of testosterone commonly cause those side effects.To prevent those side effects you should basically use anti-estrogens with and after your cycle like nolvadex, clomid. Acne: Andriol rarely causes acne, is depending on properties of your skin.To minimize it you can use carsil ol milk thistle.

    We are Warning!
    When you use anabolic steroids with or without your knowlegde about them can be harmful for your body. They can also cause deaths. We suggest, you must choose the brand of products and shop from trustfull stores. Our company warns you about all side effects and risks about these products. And we do not accept any responsibility about side effects and problems. Btw we do not offer these products under 20 years old. Unconscious steroid and medicine use can be dangerous and harmful. They can disease your body and your psychology.

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