Maintain proper steroid cycles and stacks and become fit and strong swiftly
Steroids, the synthetic form of hormones, are truly effective in providing athletes with some physical qualities they are craving for. The use and benefits of steroids are well known to more or less every bodybuilder and athlete. However, in order to get the best result of the use of steroids, proper steroid cycles and stacks should be maintained. Here, in this article, we are going to make a discussion on the best steroid cycles and stacks. But, before getting plunged into this discussion, it’s important for you to know about the use of steroids. Go through the following passages and acquire information regarding the above context.
Why steroids are used
There are some steroidal compounds that closely resemble cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that gets produced by adrenal glands. But, when the matter comes to discussing on a steroid cycle for bodybuilders or athletes, then it becomes unnecessary to make a discussion on this type of steroids. In this context, anabolic – androgenic steroids should be the focus of the discussion as sports personalities show an immense interest in using this type of steroidal compounds. Anabolic steroids or anabolic-androgenic steroids come with the quality to provide people with all the physical qualities they want to gain. From muscle growth to strength enhancement, everything is possible with the consumption of these steroidal compounds. But, as it said earlier, maintaining proper steroid cycles and stacks is highly important to get the best result of the consumption of any steroidal compound. Now, it’s important for us to make all readers gain a clear conception regarding the steroid cycle. Go through the following passages and know about this matter.
What are steroid cycles?
The cycle for an anabolic steroid means a time frame an anabolic steroid has to be used for. This time is often referred to as “on-cycle”. And, the time frame when steroids are not being used is known as “off cycle”. For the on-cycle, countless options and stacks can be found.
Now, you may ask, “What are stacks?” Well, stacks are nothing other than the combination of anabolic steroidal compounds as well as non-steroidal compounds used during the on-cycle time frame. The range of stacks and cycles is vast and the cycle and stack that you undertake can be completely different from the stack and cycle any of your known individuals maintains. However, most steroid users get comfortable with some specific steroid cycles and stacks. They discover some combinations which suit their requirement the best and get stick with these plans.
No matter what cycle and stack you are running, you have to maintain some rules to keep yourself safe. Including testosterone is the primary rule of every cycle. The presence of testosterone in any cycle ensures that your body has an adequate level of this hormone to function properly.
Go through the following passages and know about the best steroid cycles and stacks.
The best steroid cycle and stacks
Cycle 1
If you are a beginner, then you can consider maintaining the cycle given here:
Testosterone Enanthate: 500mg Week 1-12
Deca Durabolin: 200mg Week 1-12
According to the study, this cycle and stack are much effective in fulfilling all the requirements of a novice steroid user. The combination of Deca and Test is much effective in providing people with excellent gains with minimum side effects. As this combination doesn’t require frequent injections, it’s certainly advantageous for beginners.
But, people who are going through this cycle can face gynecomastia, water retention, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. In order to avoid these side effects, it’s necessary to pay attention to PCT.
Cycle 2
According to some sources, the cycle of Test, Deca, and Dbol can also be a good choice for novice steroid users. This cycle looks like:
Testosterone Enanthate: 500mg Week 1 – 12
Deca Durabolin: 200mg Week 1 – 12
Dianabol: 25mg per day Week 1 – 6
Cycle 3
For people who want to maintain strength while going through a calorie-deficient diet can consider going through the cycle of Test, Tren, and Winstrol. It is also known as a classic cut cycle. People who want to go through this cycle should take:
Testosterone Propionate 100mg EOD 1 – 12
Trenbolone Acetate 75mg EOD 1 – 12
Winstrol 50mg daily for 7 – 12 weeks
As Tren is a powerful steroidal compound, it can cause you to experience some side effects. If you notice yourself suffering from any side effects, you can drop the dosage of Trenbolone Acetate down to 50mg. In order to protect yourself from suffering from the complications associated with the consumption of these steroidal substances, which are included in this cycle, you are advised to take 0.5mg of Arimidex every other day.
After this cycle, PCT should be begun immediately. Every individual goes through this cycle are advised to take 500iu of HCG daily for 10 days. One week after the cycle, you should consider taking Clomid in addition to HCG. You are advised to take 150mg of Clomid per day for the first two weeks, 100mg of this substance daily for week 3 and 50mg of it per day for week 4.
Further information
So, a discussion on the best steroid cycles and stacks has already been discussed. Hopefully, this discussion has helped you to understand which stack and cycle will be the best for you. No matter which stack you want to consume, every steroidal supplement of any stack mentioned earlier is available in the online stores. Online purchasing is easy and convenient. But, before buying any steroidal compound from a virtual shop, their reliability and reputation should be checked.
You can find a lot of anabolic steroid cycle programs on this link:
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