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Gynodel (Parlodel) 2,5 Mg 30 Tabs. MEDA TR




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    Substance: Bromocriptine
    Pack: 30 Tablets (2.5 mg/tab)
    Recommended Dosage: 2.5-15 mg daily
    Duration: 8-12 weeks
    Manufacturer: M E D A TR

    What Is Gynodel (Parlodel) 2,5 Mg 30 Tabs. MEDA TR ?

    Gynodel is a drug that acts such as dopamine in the brain. Its active substance is Bromocriptine. This is a steroid which is used for post cycle therapy. It can block growth hormone and prolactin secretion. Prolaction is one of the side effects of some anabolic steroids and is blocked by Gynodel so, bodybuilders and athletes use this drug. Besides this it is used also for some other diseases like acromegaly, hyperprolactinemia, and Cushing’s syndrome among others. 

    Bromocriptine that decreases the production of prolactin, is very useful susbstance for treatment of high levels of prolaction hormone in the blood. Sperm production, reduced sexual urge and sexual function are the causes of this hormone levels. Prolaction that the pituitary gland produces in the brain, is very important in most of all mammals in lactation. Some steroids such as Deca Durabolin, Trenbolone, and Durabolin that contain nandrolone and nandrolone-derived combineds cause an increase of prolactin so, bodybuilders and athletes add this drug to their cycles during the post cycle for blocking the side effects of this prolactin in the body.

    As we said above, Gynodel moves like dopamine in the brain. Dopamine provides the growth of the brain fuction, for that reason this drug can be used at the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. In this respect this is a miraculous drug. 

    Half-life of this steroid is almost 12-14 hours. And its average dosage is 2.5-5 mg per day. It should be taken in the morning and with food. 

    Insomnia, fatigue, light-headedness, nasal congestion, stomach cramps, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, weight gain and/or weight loss and headaches.  

    We are Warning!
    When you use anabolic steroids with or without your knowlegde about them can be harmful for your body. They can also cause deaths. We suggest, you must choose the brand of products and shop from trustfull stores. Our company warns you about all side effects and risks about these products. And we do not accept any responsibility about side effects and problems. Btw we do not offer these products under 20 years old. Unconscious steroid and medicine use can be dangerous and harmful. They can disease your body and your psychology.

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